Every Zoomify Image folder contains a file named ImageProperties.xml which stores six values about the image (width, height, etc.). In this example, those values have been copied into HTML parameters in the web page itself. This ensures that viewing is not blocked by the browser if the image folder is stored on a server in a different web domain.

Note that the double quotation marks around each value have been changed to single quotation marks so that they don't conflict with the double quotation marks at the start and end of the HTML parameter.

Note also that the Toolbar graphics use png, jpeg, or gif files which by default are in the folder Assets/Skins/Default. These are loaded based on information in the file skinFiles.xml which contains many values - too many to easily load as HTML parameters (as is done in this example for the ImageProperties.xml file's values). Because of this, the Toolbar graphics files must be in the same location as the calling web page HTML file. Because the same files are used when displaying any Zoomify Image and because these files are only loaded once per browser session, this does not pose a problem for most website configurations.

If an alternative is required, the example '71-Toolbar-InternalNoSkins' demonstrates a simple Toolbar that uses canavas-drawn buttons rather than skins loaded from external graphic files. This Toolbar only includes zoom buttons and a 'Z' button to reset the initial view, but it does not require dynamic loading of resources and is therefore entirely compatible with cross-domain contexts.