Updates       Features, demos, bug, and fixes — all versions

This page presents features, benefits, and demos for new product releases. A version history is also provided — including feature changes and bugs found and fixed in each update.

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Features        Demos        Bug Fixes


Zoomify HTML5 Express

Zoomify HTML5 Pro

Zoomify HTML5 Enterprise

All the features you're used to plus... Everything in Zoomify Express plus... Everything in Zoomify Pro plus...
Significant quality improvements - over fifty critical fixes, optimzations, and enhancements for improved usability, reliability, and performance!
Zoom Rectangle! Just alt-click-drag to draw exactly the region to zoom-in on! Fast and intuitive! (Option-click-drag on Macintosh.)
IIIF Compliant Viewing!. Complete support for the International Image Interoperability Framework! Standards-based access to image content at leading institutions - seamlessly integrates with all the benefits of the Zoomify Image Viewer!
Custom Help! Set one simple HTML parameter to use any web page as custom help content! Additional parameters control size and position - supports HTML features and CSS effects!
Bookmarks! Two simple HTML parameters enable the Zoomify Viewer to set and get the coordinates of the current view for in-image browser bookmarking - no special setup or extra user steps! Counter Tracking System! Exact labeling of image features with counter icons, cell-based navigation, completion tracking, user and type visibility controls, and progress overlay displays! Web-based slide analysis compatible with image filters (see below) and image types including brightfield, florescent, and more!
Improved compatibility! Dozens of enhancements to ensure reliable performance in the latest OS versions, mobile devices, and browsers - including Microsoft Edge.
Slideshow Gallery! Automatically add a clickable thumbnail of each slide to a scrollable pane in the Viewer display - no image editing or scripting required!
Save Local! Save the current view to the webserver - or locally. Includes image data and annotations. No special setup - just one HTML parameter! Supported in Firefox and Chrome browsers!
  Side-by-Side Comparison! View two images together and use synchronized navigation to compare every detail! Add optional images lists (see below) to easily switch either image display! User Access Login! Add one HTML parameter to prompt site visitors for their name - or add a list to validate user's entries!
  Hotspot Zoom-Ranges and Popup Graphics! Set the max and min zoom within which to display each hotspot - and easily create rollover graphics for enhanced tooltip displays! Annotation Zoom Ranges and Non-Editable Labels! Set the max and min zoom within which to display each annotation label - and block editing of any label with a simple XML value!
  Image Lists! Use a simple list of image paths to present a choice list in the Viewer display! Advanced Image Filters! 24 powerful filter options and enhanced slider interface plus group parameters including Creative, HSL, Pathology, Colors, Gamma, and Ranges!
  Geo-Coordinates! Automatically display the latitude and longitude for the current cursor position over an image! More! Including annotations image lists, slidestack preloading option, and more!
  Overlays! Use two or more zoomable images in synchronized layers - use PNG tiles for transparency!  
  More! Including, free rotation, crosshairs, no-skin toolbar, optional preloading - and much more!  
Adds HTML parameter setting:
   zZoomButtonsVisible, zHelpPath, zHelpWidth, zHelpHeight, zHelpLeft, zHelpTop
Adds HTML parameters:
   zZoomRectangle, zBookmarksSet, zBookmarksGet, zGalleryVisible, zGalleryWidth, zGalleryHeight, zGalleryLeft, zGalleryTop, zComparisonPath, zSyncVisible, zInitialSync, zImageListPath, zGeoCoordinatesPath, zOverlayPath, zCrosshairsVisible, zToolbarInternal, zPreloadVisible, zVirtualPointerVisible, zAnimationAxis, zAnimator, zAnimationFlip, zBaseZIndex, Z.smoothZoom, zSmoothZoomEasing, zInteractive, zXMLParametersPath, zRotationVisible (added free option)

Adds HTML parameter:
    zIIIFScheme, zIIIFServer, zIIIFPrefix, zIIIFIdentifier, zIIIFRegion, zIIIFSize, zIIIFRotation, zIIIFQuality, zIIIFFormat, zTrackingPanelVisible, zUserNamePrompt, zInitialTrackingOverlayVisible, zUserLogin, zUserPath, zUserPanelVisible, zBrightnessVisible, zContrastVisible, zSharpnessVisible, zBlurrinessVisible, zColorRedVisible, zColorGreenVisible, zColorBlueVisible, zGammaRedVisible, zColorRedRangeVisible, zGammaBlueVisible, zColorGreenRangeVisible, zSepiaVisible, zColorBlueRangeVisible, zGammaVisible, zGammaGreenVisible, zSaturationVisible, zLightnessVisible, zWhiteBalanceVisible, zNoiseVisible, zGrayscaleVisible, zHueVisible, zThresholdVisible, zInversionVisible, zEdgesVisible, zLabelIconsInternal



Zoomify HTML5 Express

Zoomify HTML5 Pro

Zoomify HTML5 Enterprise

All the features you're used to plus...
Everything in Zoomify Express plus...
Everything in Zoomify Pro plus...
11-Help-Custom 15-ZoomRectangle 85-ImageFilters-All
  16-Bookmarks 86-ImageFilters-Creative.htm
  20-Crosshairs 87-ImageFilters-HSL
  23-Rotation-Free-Free 88-ImageFilters-Pathology
  29-ImageList 89-ImageFilters-Ranges
  30-Comparison 94-Annotations-ZoomRanges
  31-Comparison-ImageList 96-Annotations-ExternalGraphics
  32-Overlays 98-Annotations-ImageList
  33-Overlays-Functions 106-Slidestacks-PreloadingOption
  35-Slideshows-WithGallery 109-Editing-NonEditableEntries
42-Hotspots-Popups 113-Editing-Advanced-NonEditableEntries
  43-Hotspots-SetVisibility 118-UserLogin
  44-Hotspots-ZoomRanges 119-UserLogin-UserListInXML
  46-Hotspots-ImageList 120-TrackingCounters-Viewing
  49-PreloadOption 121-TrackingCounters-Editing
  57-Animations-PreloadOption 122-TrackingCounters-FullSystem
  59-View-GeoCoordinates 123-SaveToFile-ImageAndAnnotations
  62-View-InLinkGallery 124-IIIF-CompliantViewing
  63-View-ManyViewersInOnePage 125-IIIF-Bookmarks
  71-Toolbar-InternalNoSkins 126-IIIF-CoordinateFinder
  74-Settings-SmoothZoom 127-IIIF-API Example-getURI

- Delayed features now added including side-by-side comparison, slideshow thumbnail gallery, geocoordinates, etc. - see above list
- All: Double-tap now zooms out on android devices
- All: Converter error 'unknown publisher' now prevented using proper code signing for new OS versions
- All: image now displays in MS IE v8
- All: Help now centered based on Viewer size so not positioned out partially out of view if display area small
- All: Help now includes hotkey information
- All: Toolbar buttons now left aligned internally to prevent page CSS alignment from distorting button skins
- All: Toolbar skin file typos corrected
- All: software registration dialog now includes text clarifying activation key only required for upgrading Converter
- All: click-drag now uses distance and time duration tests to avoid unwanted click-zoom
- All: click-zoom now works properly in iOS contexts
- All: fullscreen/fullpage modes now properly repositions Navigator on entry and exit
- All: fullscreen/fullpage modes now properly repositions Toolbar on entry and exit on MS IE browser
- All: fullscreen/fullpage modes now properly handle VW and VH parameter values used in place of pixel or percent values
- Pro: max zoom now permitted over 100 percent, prevented by change in later build of v3
- Pro: hotspot text, line, and backfill color now properly set whether using HTML parameters or XML values
- Pro: hotspot tooltips now show intended text in all browsers
- Pro: hotspot rotation values in XML now properly applied
- Pro: hotspot ID for clicked hotspot can now be accessed using new function, demonstrated in 'Click Functions' example
- Pro: hotspots hidden by category value now include those currently out of view area
- Pro: hotspot 'URL click function' now properly prevents conflicting click-zoom effect
- Pro: hotspot 'URL click function' now works properly in iOS contexts
- Pro: slideshow tile caching now properly clears on slide changes
- Pro: animations now have XML parameter to invert displayed order relative to order of images in XML
- Pro: animations horizontal and vertical motion test now mutually exclusive
- Pro: animations now properly constrained or centered by pan constraint
- Pro & Enterprise: multiple Viewer instances possible demonstrated in new iFrame example
- Pro & Enterprise: Ruler now lists percentage corresponding to min zoom when zoomed in
- Pro & Enterprise: full screen mode now does not conflict with resizability functionality
- Pro & Enterprise: conflicts with third party library Prototype.js now prevented by tests for improper changes to global prototypes
- Pro & Enterprise: setting or changing Viewer size with hidden Toolbar now does not create error in MS IE browser
- Enterprise: annotation label with external icon graphics now have canvas shape substitutes
- Enterprise: annotation label drawing now 10 x faster, see Speed Test example
- Enterprise: annotation labels hidden by category value now include those currently out of view area
- Enterprise: annotation label arrows now place arrow tip rather than arrow middle at X,Y coordinates
- Enterprise: annotation label editing now permits caption editing on MS IE browser
- Enterprise: annotation panel POI Name and Label Name choice lists now properly handle edits, Go button added
- Enterprise: annotation panel callback for Viewer now separate from callbacks for Viewports in case more than one
- Enterprise: annotation editing ended with Cancel now does not hide label captions
- Enterprise: annotation Text labels now properly allow color changes after initial creation
- Enterprise: annotation JSON data can now include unescaped ampersand ('&') characters without causing errors
- Enterprise: annotation XML now loads without error message due to unneeded initial auto-save
- Enterprise: image filter support added for color adjustment
- Enterprise: immage filter sliders added as complement to increment/decrement buttons
- Enterprise: save-to-file now works with internal (canvas drawn) icons
- Enterprise: save-to-file local now does not require server-specific HTML parameters
- Enterprise: save-to-file now supports unconverted images
- Enterprise: slidestacks now properly implement initial rotation is set in XML
- Zoomify Command-Line Converter: command-line ZIF creation now works properly
- OP Converter: only one ZIF file now created for multi-image SWS files

- All: ZIF specification needs to be published on website
- All: Android pinch-zoom gesture not supported on some devices due to android limitations
- All: Plugins and/or FAQs needed for WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, Shopify, SquareSpace, Typo3
- All: Pinch gesture should zoom in on center of pinch rather than center of current view
- All: IE pointer event gesture support needed, currently supported via other event handlers
- Pro: Slideshows do not display Navigator for first slide display
- Pro: Slideshows used with virtual pointer get new virtual pointer for every new slide display
- Pro: Audio in Tours and Slideshows intentionally blocked by iOS, need workaround
- Pro & Enterprise: Canvas presents errors IE when using LocalHost & XAMPP
- Pro & Enterprise: ZIF storage shows incorrect or incomplete display when used with slideshows, animations, or slidestacks
- Enterprise: Image filters may fail to update correctly if used in combination, possible tile caching conflict or convolution conflict
- Enterprise: Save to image files does not include rotation
- Enterprise: Slidestacks sharing one annotations.xml file across all slides show incorrect edit tracking and/or display
- Enterprise: User panel does not respect position set using optional HTML parameter
- Enterprise: Annotation label hidden using function call sometimes fails to keep caption hidden on navigation
- Enterprise: Annotation categories need choicelist or other interface for selection in View mode and assignment in Edit mode
- Enterprise: Annotation polygons need XML parameter to set control point coordinates relative to polygon center point



Zoomify HTML5 Express

Zoomify HTML5 Pro

Zoomify HTML5 Enterprise

Significant quality improvements - including all the fixes listed below. Everything in Zoomify Express plus... Everything in Zoomify Pro plus...
Faster viewing! Zoomify Image Viewer now implements more aggressive loading priotization for faster display at center-of-view, reduced reloads, decreased CPU impacts, and better performance on mobile devices!
Responsive Web Design (R.W.D)! Use % dimensions or vw/vh values in your pages and Zoomify Image Viewer auto-resizes and updates whenever the browser window resizes to ensure maximum clarity and detail - no external scripts required!
Simpified annotations! Viewing and editing of annotations is now streamlined with optional Comments in Labels - a practical alternative to advanced annotations associating Labels with separate Notes and grouping Points of Interest. Easier data entry, faster access, and clearer presentation!
Improved reliability. All Zoomify Image Viewer processes are now tracked and validated for more reliable data loading, caching, and interface updating. Animations! - multi-image 'flip-book' 3D objects, timelapse effects, and panoramas! Just list your images' names in a simple file and Zoomify Image Viewer presents them in rapid - zoomable- succession. Intuitive navigation includes mouse, slider, button, key, and mousewheel! Slidestack enhancements! Optimized loading enables large slide sets to display twice as fast. Improved navigation includes new toolbar slider and targeted mousewheel support. Extended annotation capabilities allow shared data across slides. Data management optimized for fastest possible loading!
Improved Internet Explorer support. Dozens of enhancements to ensure reliable performance on IE 11, 10, 9, and even 8. (Special note: consolidation of fixes for IE has been essential due to impending need to support MS Spartan.)
View unconverted images! No need to convert JPEG or PNG images for immediate viewing! Appropriate for images of limited size (low megabytes). Complements Zoomify's multi-resolution viewing for images of unlimited size!
Save-to-file! Easily save any current view or an entire image with related annotations to a JPEG or PNG file on your webserver!
Adds HTML parameter setting:
Adds HTML parameters:
   zAnimationPath, zImageSetSliderVisible, zMouseWheel, zCaptionTextVisible, zCaptionBackVisible, zPolygonLineVisible, zPolygonFillVisible, zPanBuffer, zDoubleClickZoom, zDoubleClickDelay, zMessagesVisible, zAutoResize, zHotspotsDrawOnlyInView plus additional settings for parameters zToolbarVisible
Adds HTML parameters:
   zAnnotationPanelVisible, zSimplePath, zAnnotationSort, zAnnotationsAutoSave, zSaveButtonVisible, zAnnotationsAddMultiple, zUnsavedEditsTest, zLabelClickSelect, zImageSetSliderVisible, zMouseWheel, zSaveImageHandlerPath, zSaveImageFull, zSaveImageFilename, zSaveImageFormat, zSaveImageCompression, zSaveImageBackColor plus additional settings for parameters zAnnotationPanelVisible


Zoomify HTML5 Express

Zoomify HTML5 Pro

Zoomify HTML5 Enterprise

3-View-Preset-ZoomToFill 34-Animations-Object 64-Annotations-Viewing-WithComments
  35-Animations-TimeLapse 65-Annotations-Viewing-Advanced-POIs&Notes
  36-Animations-Panorama 74-Slidestacks-Viewing-OneAnnotationsFile
  37-Animations-ZIF 75-Slidestacks-Viewing-ManyAnnotationsFiles
  38-Animations-Unconverted 77-Editing-WithComments
  39-Animations-WithHotspotsOneFile 80-Editing-Advanced-WithPOIs&Notes
  40-Animations-WithHotspotsManyFiles 81-Editing-Slidestack-OneAnnotationFile
  41-View-ResponsiveSizing 82-Editing-Slidestack-ManyAnnotationFiles
  46-View-UnconvertedImageJPEG 83-Editing-Slidestack-Advanced-OneAnnotationFile
  46-View-UnconvertedImagePNG 84-Editing-Slidestack-Advanced-ManyAnnotationFiles

- Blurry tiles previously intermittent now corrected with new loading validation system
- Inconsistent status tracking now replaced with streamlined state engine with public get/set functions
- Loading progress message now correctly tracks tile loading and display for single images and image sets
- Function List document now fully recreated and up-to-date
- IE 9 and 10 supported by ZIF storage option
- Measurement area calculation now corrected when unit conversion required
- Measurement area calculation now corrected when using rectangular tiles
- Measurement unescaping corrected for multi-line captions
- Hotspot clickURL now responds properly in iOS
- Hotspot caption backfill color now properly reversed with text color if caption boxes enabled and no custom colors assigned
- Hotspots display makes entire Viewer selectable if click-drag from outside image over Viewer - now blocked
- View Resizable example conflicts with Full View option - now completely replaced with responsive auto-resizing
- Set Image function corrected to support changes from small to large images of any aspect ratio
- Annotation Save button now implements blur on field with focus rather than requiring tab
- Annotations in Viewer sometimes selectable if click-drag when editing annotations - now blocked
- Annotation text-only labels now scale in a manner consistent with other label types (icons, polygons)
- Annotation polygon labels now scale with consistent polygon line thickness and control point size
- Annotation posting output and PHP example corrected to include file name property and appended query string
- Annotation editing corrected for change to polygon label mode resulting in mouse stuck on (mouse-down)
- Annotations XML created with Flash Annotation Viewer confuses some media types - backward compatibility corrected
- Slidestacks now properly display Navigator
- Audio mute button no longer stops tour or slideshow progression
- Backfill precaching delayed for large image sets (animations, slidestacks) to speed initial display
- Version numbering stadardized in Viewer JS file and variable and function added for access: Z.version = '2.3.01 Enterprise';

- Incorrect or incomplete display with using animations, slidestacks, and slideshows with ZIF storage
- Incorrect edit tracking and/or display when sharing one annotations.xml file across all slides of a slidestack
- Double-tap fails to zoom out on some devices
- Icon label external graphics need canvas shape substitutes
- Multiple Viewer instances in a web page requires changes to Viewer global definition
- FAQs and/or tools for WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, Shopify, SquareSpace, Typo3 needed.
- Annotation categories need choicelist or other interface for selection in View mode and assignment in Edit mode
- Android pinch-zoom gesture not supported on some devices
- Ruler sometimes does not list percentage corresponding to min zoom when zoomed in
- Image filter support needed for color adjustment
- Image filter sliders needed as complement to increment/decrement buttons
- Canvas presents errors IE when using LocalHost & XAMPP
- Animations need XML parameter to invert displayed order relative to order of images in XML
- Annotation polygons need XML parameter to set control point coordinates relative to polygon center point
- Audio in Tours and Slideshows intentionally blocked by iOS, need workaround
- IE pointer event gesture support needed (currently supported via other event handlers)
- Side-by-side comparison mode
- Slideshow thumbnail scrollbar
- IE 8 support for ZIF single file storage


Zoomify HTML5 Express

Zoomify HTML5 Pro

Zoomify HTML5 Enterprise

Freestyle pan constraint - enables centering any image edge in view (strict contraint now optional)
Screensaver mode - auto-navigation between destinations with just one HTML parameter
Slidestack viewing - up to 30 images in synchronized z-stack presentation - easily navigate between them using page-up/down buttons or mousewheel - with matching or uniqe annotations!
Faster downloads - Express Viewer features now extracted from full codebase. Download size reduced from 433k to just 154k – and that's a tiny 41k when auto-zipped by most servers!
Simpler customization - Pro Viewer features now extracted from full codebase: 6,500 lines of code for annotation editing removed reducing total of 24,000 lines by almost 30% for simpler, clearer customization. Download size reduced from 433k to just 300k – only 76k when auto-zipped by most servers.
Optimized code - Enterprise Viewer codebase reorganized for improved compression during obfuscation/minification. 24,000 lines of JavaScript supporting all Express, Pro, and Enterprise features including image filters, annotation editing, and slidestacks now shrink to just 433k – only 105k when auto-zipped.
Adds HTML parameter:
Adds HTML parameters:
   zScreensaver, zScreensaverSpeed, zCaptionTextColor, zCaptionBackColor, zPolygonLineColor, zPolygonFillColor
Adds HTML parameter:

V2.8 NEW DEMOS(top)

Zoomify HTML5 Express

Zoomify HTML5 Pro

Zoomify HTML5 Enterprise

13-FreestyleConstrainPan 14-Screensaver 67-SlidestackViewing

V2.8 KEY BUG FIXES (top)
- Annotation XML now parsed if incorrectly set by webserver as ContentType text/html rather than text/xml
- Annotation editing now supported without previously existing annotations.xml file (path to post location still required)
- Annotation editing of notes for different POIs now prevents overwriting conflicts
- Blurry tiles with ZIF storage in Chrome now prevented
- Callback feature now supports multiple function assignments on any event
- Canvas context error on Macintosh now prevented
- Choice lists now permit reselection of current item including Tours, Hotspots, POIs, Labels
- Click-selection of Viewer elements prevented in more cases
- Converter now supports single tile multi-gigabyte TIF file options
- Green sidebar in image display in Chrome prevented by cacheproofing offset requests
- Hotspots now hidden while zooming if more than 30 (performance)
- IE 10 and earlier now load properly if hotspot or annotation captions contain HTML (limited HTMLCollection access)
- IE 8 loading failures prevented using array indexOf polyfill
- Magnification list local/global variable resolved
- Measurements now clear when existing measure mode (and not editing annotations)
- Missing skins error no longer hidden in Joomla context
- Missing skins folder now causes helpful error
- Mouse timers now end properly in Safari
- Navigator now displays when using ZIF storage
- Polygon editing now supports completion via double-click and right-click in addition to alt-click
- Polygons now hide if rollover property set
- Posting now better handles necessary character escaping while maintaining XML readability
- Redundant annotation drawing on initial Viewer load eliminated
- Redundant tile loading on initial Viewer load eliminated
- Ruler panel show/hide parameters now match other panels
- Set image function call now triggers unsaved edits check
- Setting image path now resets hotspots if necessary
- Slideshow now stop promptly on user interaction
- Smooth pan now automatically disabled in old non-canvas browsers (performance)
- Smooth pan 'residual drift' now prevented if slow tile loads trigger update view retry
- Text input conflicts with zoom hotkeys now avoided
- Touch and mouse events now both available on devices with multiple inputs
- Tours now stop promptly on user interaction
- UpdateView retries on slow tile loading now limited
- Zooming out using double-click no longer skips tiers

- Android pinch-zoom gesture not supported on some devices
- Annotations in Viewer sometimes selectable if click-drag when editing annotations
- Audio in Tours and Slideshows intentionally blocked by iOS
- Function List document missing from Documentation folder
- Hotspot Viewer sometimes selectable if click-drag from outside image over Viewer
- IE pointer event gesture support
- IE 8 support for ZIF single file storage
- Multiple Zoomify instances in a page
- Side-by-side comparison mode
- Slideshow thumbnail scrollbar
- View Resizable example conflicts with Full View option

V2.0 - 2.7 FEATURE ADDS & CHANGES (top)

Zoomify HTML5 Express
(formerly 'standard')

Zoomify HTML5 Pro
(formerly 'Developer')

Zoomify HTML5 Enterprise
(formerly 'Enterprise Developer')

Zoomify Unlimited Converter - source files of any size!
Everything in Zoomify Express plus...
Everything in Zoomify Pro plus...
Smooth pan - with glide effect!
Complete source included! Directly customize the Viewer JavaScript itself!
Annotation editing in HTML5 - no Flash required!
Easily customize with even more HTML parameters - 20 total, 5 new. Get started fast with 10 template web page - 4 new.
Customize with 71 HTML parameters - 32 new. 47 template web pages - 25 new!. (Includes those in Express).
Customize with 99 HTML parameters - 50 new. 65 template web pages - 33 new. (Includes those in Express & Pro).
Simpler faster navigation with double-click zoom-out, alt-click zoom to 100%, alt-double-click full zoom-out, and alt-click-Reset button to return to the prior view.
Tours - automatic zoom-and-pan from between destinations in a Zoomify Image - rotation supported.
Markup Mode - for rapid image annotating
Fullscreen mode (full page in old browsers)
Slideshows - fade-transition between Zoomify Images - initial coordinates supported.
Full Annotation Mode - for guided entry and Cancel option
Single-file ZIF storage - no folders, no special setup! Easily, losslessly convert existing images.
Audio playback in tours and slideshows
Image filters - 8 including Brightness, Contrast, Sharpness, Blurriness, Edges, Inversion, Grayscale, and Threshold!
Mousewheel zoom support
Single-file storage with no servlet and fast, lossless conversion from Zoomify Image Folders or PFF to new ZIF format (and vice versa).
Simple layout options - hide any toolbar feature
Virtual pointer
Freehand drawing
Clearer view changes with multi-canvas transitions. Clearer dislay of huge images with dynamic and oversize backfill layers.
Ruler panel
Measurement polygons - for length, circumference, and area with customizable units
Help button Help button content fully customizable - with HTML formatting Help button content fully customizable for Toolbar, Markup, and Annotation panels - with HTML formatting.
Optional converter upgrade to support input from multiple source tiles (separate purchase).
Measuring tool
Text-only labels, drag-rectangles, and open or closed polygon labels. Icon labels with HTML captions. Multi-line captions with or without HTML
Hotspot coordinate finder
Annotation labels with click-URLs or click-function calls!
Hotspot HTML-enabled captions. Multi-line captions with or without HTML
JSON annotation storage support
Hotspot categories (sets)
Alt-click-drag to position any label
Hotspot click-URLs or click-function calls!
Annotation labels show/hide via alt-click Minimize/Maximize buttons
Hotspots show/hide via alt-click Minimize/Maximize buttons
Rectangular tile viewing for microscopy compatibility
Hotspot captions dropshadowed, optional box
Optional universal conversion support special microscopy formats (now a single separate purchase). Formats include: tiled ACI, Aperio SVS, Bacus CWS, Mirax & 3D Histech MRXS, Motic CS, BioImagene & Ventana TIF, Hamamatsu NDPI, JPEG 2000, Leica SCN, Objective Imaging & MikroScan SWS, and Zeiss CZI.
PNG transparent tile viewing
OnReady - easy function call assignment
Callbacks - including view update complete, more
Object input support for optional parameters as alternative to delimited string input
Optional conversion support for Linux or Unix platforms (separate purchase)

V2.0 - 2.7 DEMOS (top)

Zoomify HTML5 Express
(formerly 'standard')

Zoomify HTML5 Pro
(formerly 'Developer')

Zoomify HTML5 Enterprise
(formerly 'Enterprise Developer')

Zoom-and-pan viewing plus...
Everything in Express plus...
Everything in Pro plus...
1-Defaults  11-Logo-Custom 48-ImageFilters
2-View-Preset 12-Layout-Custom 49-Annotations
3-View-Background 13-SmoothPan 50-Annotation-Categories
4-View-FullPage 14-Screensaver 51-Annotations-SetPath
5-View-FullScreen 15-Rotation 53-Annotations-SpeedTest
6-Navigator-RectangleColor 16-Tours 54-Annotations-Functions
7-Toolbar-Skinned 17-Tours-WithAudio 55-Annotations-ClickFunctions
8-Layout-Simple 18-Slideshows 56-Editing-FreehandDrawing
19-Slideshows-WithAudio 57-Editing-Polygons
20-VirtualPointer 58-Editing-MarkupMode
21-Ruler 59-Editing-AnnotationMode
22-Measuring 60-Storage-ZIF-AndAnnotations
23-Watermarks 61-Storage-RectangleTiles
24-Copyright 62-Storage-PFF-OneFile (not demo'd)
25-Hotspots 63-Storage-JSON-AnnotationsInFile
  26-Hotspots-CaptionsBoxed 64-Storage-JSON-AnnotationsInFileAtObjectPath
  27-Hotspots-CoordinateFinder 65-Storage-JSON-AnnotationsInObject
  28-Hotspot-Categories 66-Storage-JSON-ClickFunctionsInFile

V2.0- V2.7 KEY BUG FIXES (top)
- Arguments.callee deprecated
- Array prototypes de-prototyped (8)
- Accessibility compliance features implemented (image alt attributes, more)
- Annotation captions now process escape characters to allow display of multi-line captions
- Annotation caption field now shows escape characters to allow entry of new line values
- Alt-click Reset now reliably returns to prior view
- Annotation display lists now support sort options
- Annotation icon naming corrections (2)
- Annotation Panel now has hide/show options consistent with Navigator and Toolbar options
- Annotation XML attribute clarity changes ('SETUP', 'CLICKURL', backward compatible)
- Annotation XML legacy min/max settings auto-updated
- Annotation XML legacy polygon coordinates now auto-updated when new XML element included
- Annotation XML parsing no longer draws labels redundantly greatly speeding launch
- Annotation XML posting (saving) employs proper network header content type
- Annotation XML posting (saving) now supports sort options
- Callback staging now handles callbacks assigned prior to full Viewer initialization
- Click-zoom now prevented when hotspot/annotation click-link applied.
- Click-zoom no longer ignores first click after page load
- Converters now Unlimited as correct for all V2 product editions
- CSS styles in web page now prevented from conflicting with Toolbar button display
- Deprecated parameters now give helpfull errors if present
- Hotspot captions now process escape characters to allow display of multi-line captions
- Hotspot XML parsing no longer draws labels redundantly greatly speeding launch
- Image display now clear (without tile gap lines) when zooming deeply in multi-gigabyte images
- Image display now populated with lower resolution content when panning rapidly in multi-gigabyte images
- Navigator thumbnail now visible in IE11
- Background color fix for full view and new example
- Examples setting hotspots/annotations and image now reload in proper order
- Example HTML web pages now use recommended DOCTYPE and charset values
- Fullscreen button now modal (new graphics)
- Fullscreen mode in IE 11 now reliable
- Fullscreen mode in Chrome now truly fullscreen (no margin)
- Measure button now modal when not in Markup or Annotation editing modes
- Mousewheel on Macintosh now supported
- Navigator thumnail rotates with display rotation
- Obfuscation/minification process updated to avoid conflicts with recent feature additions
- Percent dimensions for Viewer display now supported
- Prototype.js library conflicts prevented by screening for loop values for insertions
- Reset button can now be hidden by parameter in a manner consistent with other buttons
- Rotation properly constrains pan and centers image with initial rotation set
- Ruler choice list displays correct and accessible min and max values
- Ruler choice list displays correct magnification
- setImage function supports ZIF files
- Slideshow tile clearing now supported by proper array and object clearing calls
- Skins missing file error improved to clearly identify problem
- Timeout errors posted to browser debugger console rather than main display to limit viewing disruption
- Timeout period lengthened for mobile devices on limited bandwidth
- Toolbar control elements transparent to support transparency customization
- Toolbar elements properly centered when optional features displayed (rotation, tours, etc.)
- Toolbar Help button now included in Toolbar In Page example web page (simple and graphical options)
- Toolbar mouseover no longer causes slight image pan in IE (some versions)
- Toolbar slider button now does not stay selected when mouse drags over other buttons
- Variables properly scoped local (19)
- Viewer display dimensions can now be set using % values in most contexts
- Wordpress auto-escaping of certain values in HTML parameters now accomodated

If you have questions regarding this information we are here to help.

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